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Relax in Modified Big Love Pose and Supported Shivasana with ‘Be Still’ Meditation

Made for you with love – so be sure to have a peek and join in on the relaxation and meditation. Grab your Rainbow Foameez 5-piece soft yoga prop kit and get ready to relax! Why should you practice this sequence you may ask?!…to open up the chest and heart, shoulders, neck and upper back – to restore your posture and make you feel good. This will help reduce stress, calm the nervous system, calm the mind and relax the body. Click on the pic and sending you Rainbow Love! If you are interested in the ‘Be Still’ meditation click here to learn more about it or click on the pic below to follow along.

My student stayed in supported shivasana for at least an hour or so after we finished filming – he was very relaxed and restored for the rest of the day – Grab your relaxing Rainbow Foameez Here!

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