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Supported Hatha Yoga Sequence and Yoga uses for the Rainbow Foameez Kneeling Pad

Please enjoy this lovely Hatha/Restorative Yoga sequence Sue created for you!
This sequence explores uses for one of our products called the Multi-Purpose Foamie – also known as the kneeling pad (or stadium butt!)…and experience 3 supported yoga poses with a specific pranayama (breathing technique) using the Rainbow Foameez 5-piece soft restorative yoga prop kit. Sue guides you through supported bridge pose, supported reclined bound angle pose and supported shivasana. Any or all of the poses can be sustained anywhere from 3-20 minutes long. Be sure to listen to what your body is telling you and honour and respect it…for only you know what is right for you and your body. Please click on this link to access this 23 minute sequence and enjoy your day! Namaste!
Please be sure to subscribe to the Rainbow Foameez YouTube channel and like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram – all three social media pages are your HOTspot for FREE teaching and learning resources from us – so be sure to take advantage of them by connecting with us and spreading the yoga love! Thank you.

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