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  • Our Story


Our Story





woman holding a foamSusan K. Graham is the creator and innovator of the revolutionary soft and portable yoga prop set called Foameez Props 6-piece soft yoga prop set, carry case + 8-pose restorative yoga poster. Foameez Props came to life in early January 2015. A classic story of ‘create what you need out of necessity’ combined with Susan’s inventive and entrepreneurial nature resulted in the creation of Foameez Props.

Susan was a self-employed stay-at-home mom as she continued to teach and school 1000’s of yoga students over a 20+ year career.  After teaching 25 yoga classes a week for many many years, training students at the 200 hour teaching level, managing a studio and staff, and having twin babies, while continuing to choreograph for figure skaters, Susan was overwhelmed and exhausted to say the least! And not to mention the injuries! In a joking manner, Susan began to refer to herself as “the most stressed out, tired and injured yoga teacher around”, yet, it rang true for her on so many levels. 44 years of Figure Skating, 20 years of yoga, 10 years of Professional Faux Finishing all took a HUGE toll on her body. Graham experienced injury after injury, a serious knee surgery which left her immobile for half a year, repetitive strains in her shoulder from painting (and 100,000 too many Downward Dogs!), degenerative neck disease from yoga, as well as a torn hip labrum from yoga and severe chronic lower leg and foot pain from skating.

susan-stretching-on-her-sideEventually, Susan was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, chronic stress and chronic pain. She then had no choice but to slow her life down, get back to the basics, eliminate several things off her to do list and rest. Graham then turned to a specialty style and unique branch of yoga called Restorative Yoga. The benefits Graham experienced from this practice were life altering. Allowing herself to heal and recover from years of use and abuse on her physical body, Graham began to rehabilitate her injuries by creating ‘structural stabilization’ with her injured body parts. Restorative Yoga poses allow your nervous system and your parasympathetic nervous system to slow down long enough to affect your physiology therefore release trauma. Your physiology will adjust, align and unwind, including the skeletal system if one can allow themselves to truly rest, supported in Restorative Yoga poses. Foameez Props became a product of necessity in order for Susan to recover in a soft, easeful, safe way. Traditional yoga props used for support in resting poses are hard and cumbersome. The hard blocks yoga teachers typically use are very uncomfortable to rest on, in a pose for 3-20 minutes. Foameez Props are soft and light, and allow your body to sink and melt into each pose and truly experience restoration.
One of the greatest benefits that Graham discovered is that resting the body in proper alignment allowed the injuries and repetitive strains to recover and repair themselves with no surgery required!

woman lying on her backAs a trained and certified Restorative Yoga Teacher, Susan discovered that she was able to develop and re-create the typical ‘old style’ yoga props currently used – for example, the Mexican blanket – which requires an enormous amount of folding and adjusting, is now replaced by the Foameez Props Head Rest – so light and easy to carry and no folding!
The biggest bonus is with the 6-piece set, because when you purchase, you receive TWO big long Foamies! These replace the traditional, super expensive and super heavy yoga bolster required in a restorative yoga class. Head over to the blog + tutorials page of our site to get started!

Why the name rainbow foameez?

Why the name rainbow foameez?

Why the name rainbow foameez?

Why the name rainbow foameez?


Originally Foameez Props came in ALL colours which sparked the name, Rainbow Foameez! With research, product development and rising to the elite of the industry, colour in the foam was no longer viable nor safe for the client, the practitioner or the environment. Fast forward a few years, Rainbow Foameez are non-toxic, anti-microbial, latex-free, hypoallergenic with wipeable waterproof covers! But, because we love Rainbows and all colours, our marketing team decided to keep the name: Rainbow Foameez!

Accessible yoga conference?

Accessible yoga conference?

Accessible yoga conference?

Accessible yoga conference?

Graham was invited to be a part of the first ever Accessible Yoga Conference in Toronto in June 2018. Seen here presenting at the conference to her peers, Susan had the opportunity to explain how Foameez Props Soft Yoga Props are supporting and assisting people with Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, and PTSD to name a few, making Foameez Props considered “Accessible” yoga props.

woman smiling
a girl smiling
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